Relax: Kānuka & Tātarāmoa is the perfect tea to drink at the end of the day, or at any time you need to allow your mind and body to unwind from the many stresses we encounter in modern living. Relax offers you an exquisite combination of both western and NZ native herbs that have wonderful calming qualities encouraging you to destress and rediscover your balance.
ŌKU New Zealand
ŌKU is a family-run New Zealand business established by Scott Smith and Helen Paul-Smith in 2010. The company focuses on harnessing the healing properties of native plants used traditionally by Māori for wellbeing. Scott, a medical herbalist, and Helen, of Māori descent, are committed to sustainable practices, land restoration, and raising awareness about the value of native flora. ŌKU donates profits to restoration efforts and incorporates Māori values into their business.